Going to Grandma’s House (Part 5): Ending My Trip

Dec 2, 2013 | Life | 0 comments

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Travelogue: Going to Grandma's HouseTravelogue: Going to Grandma's HouseGoing to Grandma’s House (Part 1): Taking Time For Me Going to Grandma’s House (Part 2): Beginning My Trip Going to Grandma’s House (Part 3): A Damn Good Sandwich! Going to Grandma’s House (Part 4): Wanderer’s Treasures […]
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This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Travelogue: Going to Grandma's House

After being in Georgia for just about 2 weeks, although it wasn’t as long as I’d originally planned, I can truly say that the feeling of relaxation and self-centeredness that I have is a great relief.

While staying with my grandparents, I was able to go to church and get back in touch with my faith and self-learning. By going to the pre-sermon bible study group discussions, I was able to learn how to use the bible that my grandma bought me for a past birthday gift to learn to understand the teachings more clearly and communicate through prayer.

My grandparents are very active in many aspects of their community. Even in retirement, they both stay in very close touch with their community in Waycross, GA. Because Waycross is such a small town, everyone in the community has a very active hand in the running of the town. There isn’t much in Waycross to do, but I found it very relaxing how peaceful the community was. I even took a walk to the local “strip mall” and browsed Big Lots and Dollar Tree Market. They were much bigger than the store here in Michigan because we have so many places to go shopping and buy things. The main shopping spot in Waycross was the Walmart Supercenter…it is their everything! Oh and don’t let me forget to mention that there is a freaking Red Lobster and Olive Garden adjoined restaurant!!!

!¡! (-(-_(-_-(O_o)-_-)_-)-) !¡!

When Thanksgiving Day came around, my grandmother showed me the proper way to set a formal dinner table. It only took me one try!!! I say which could be contributed to my slight OCD for symmetry and straight lines, setting the dinner table and buffet up was a great experience that I plan to try at my own table in my apartment.

My grandma and I cooked all day the day before and the morning of Thanksgiving, while my grandpa did what he does best…sleeps in, and when he wakes he stays in the room and watch TV until he’s hungry and he comes out to eat and returns to his room. He told my grandma when he retired all he wanted to do was “eat, sleep and do absolutely nothing”.

I’d even shown my grandma how to make my mother’s candied yams that she LOVES!

The leftovers after everyone had come and gone were outrageous…but luckily my grandma’s house has more than enough space to store it all!

When my journey home started, it took a turn for the worst that I never even saw coming.

Despite the awful trip back home that I had, courtesy of Greyhound Lines, Inc., overall I had a very nice time just being away.

Series Navigation<< Going to Grandma’s House (Part 4): Wanderer’s Treasures

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